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Friday, June 25, 2010

Little Rock River Market for Kids

The Little Rock River Market has a great place for kids to play. A water park. For free. It's beautiful and my kids love it. So much so, that it's the first in my Central Arkansas Showcase series. By the way, if you have suggestions for this list, leave me a comment or drop me an email.

Here are a few pics from our recent trip.

In addition to the park itself, the view in the background is gorgeous.

the city in background

There's a jungle gym to climb. And look at the river in the background from this view.

climbing resized

There's a place to learn about the Quapaw Indians and how Little Rock got its name. BigMan called him DumDum!

quapaw statue

A mini waterfall to play in.


A leafy tunnel to walk through.

leafy tunnel resized

And trees to climb.

tree climbing middlest

Hope you find a sunny day to enjoy it soon!

Suzanne is married to one awesomely funny husband and together they have 5 wildly adorable kiddos. She teaches them at home, cooks, overthinks, attempts sanity daily, and watches too much tv. She routinely makes others feel a little more normal at her blog The Joyful Chaos.


  1. Hi Fawn, thanks for the info about this blog. I would love to join NEA women bloggers! What do you mean by doing a guest post? Sounds interesting!
